"What shall I ask for first."This book story is about the taste of the sea. This story was seems to me it's Chinese old story. Long time ago the taste of the sea was not salty. At that time, the sea's taste was very sweet, but sea creatures living into the sweet water. And this country's people get salt from the King. This King has a one magic things. This magic thing was can everythings. For example, like rice and some spaices and golds and jewelies. So the King was can get everything. One day, one people heard this story and he decided become menber of the castle worker. He cheat the King and Finaly, he get that magic thing. So he bring it and run away to use ship. And he try use this magic things. He wished that " I want to get salts."as a first wish. And the magic thing was make salt. At night, he slept, but the magic things was make continued salts. So at the morning, a mount of salts made. So ship was go down into the sea and the salt was mixed sea water. So this is the reason of why the sea is salty. It is funny story but I whis I could, I drink sweet sea water.
235 words
chimney 煙突
guard 護衛者
throne 王座
scratch こする
millstone 石臼
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