"Each owl likes its own space to hunt in."This stroy is about the owls. I like owl. Because I like Harry Potter movie, so the wizards often has a owls as a pet. I want to get a pwl, if I get to a chance. Owls are active in the night, and they are sleeping in the noon. Owl is very quiet while they are flying. They have big eyes and, their eye shight is very goog and they can find the food very easy. They are very cute, but they are eat meet of small animals. They have a sharp beak, and sharp nail. They can caught the fish that use their nails. They made their nest in the tree, but sometimes they make into the ground, and cactus. They are have many kind of various voice. Yhey can turn their head 280 degree. They have long wings. I didin't know about owl's life, so I enjoyed this book. Anyway, there are owl cafe in Japan, I heard that from my friend. We can drink some tea, and we can tougch the owls. I want to go there.
202 words
hunt 狩り
shriek 甲高い声を出す
pygmy ピグミー族の人
spiky 先のとがった
burrow 穴
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