My impression sentence was You are true knight.This book is separate 3 chapters Chapter 1 is titled "Chillmore Csatle." And there are ghost house called "Dimbo." This book's main character is a little boy, he's name is Max. Max is went to a castle called "Chillmore Castle as a school trip. All of students were looking forward to this school trip, but max was not looking forward. Because Max's school trip group has max's don't like persons. Their names are Nat and Norman. They are twins. They are bullied to Max. So Max hate them. But this castl is haunted castl. The Nuckle twins order to Max that Max stay alone at night at Castle's secret tunnel. And night came, he met a ghost, but this ghost was not scary and in addition that ghost was a knight and have a biggest worry is nobody scare to him, so Max teached him that how to scared. They become good friend. And the morning came, Max go back to his tent, and Nuckle twins waited to him. And they did not believe that Max stayed at castle all night. But at that time, the ghost came and he scared Nuckle twins. They were veryu afraid. And ghost was become true knight. Then he dissaoiar. I thought enough to act the bully person is afraid of things like Nukle twins.
244 words
haunt 出没する
gloomy 薄暗い
floating 浮いている
beware 用心する
swoop 襲い掛かる
sway 揺り動かす
murky 濁っている
moat 堀
roar 唸る
sword 剣
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