
The Genie in the Bottle. (2014/04/21/Mon) No.2

   I read the book titled "The Genie in the Bottle." My impression sentence was
"He whooshed back in..."

This book story is about the spirit of bottle. And main character is one fisherman. He was living picked from the sea with his cat. Long time ago, the fisher was fhising, but that day was he couldn't get fishes at all. Next day was too. So he couldn't get anymore a few days. One day, he was use fis fishing net, and he get a one magical bottle. He looked at botom of the bottle but it was dark, and he couldn't see anymore. So he throughout that bottle. Suddenly, the spirit of bottle apper, and this spirit was bad spirit. So this bad spirit was prevebtion get fish. And fisherman ws have to go back to the bottle him. And he was success to this, I couldn't under stand how he did it. But bad spirit is disappiar. So he bacame get many fisfes. It was good story but I like doog spirit. At the end of the story there are some picture puzzle. So it was fun.

188 words

rumble ごろごろ鳴る
pour そそぐ
genie 精霊
empty 何も入っていない
seaweed 海草

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