There are people who called the injection phobia. When the prick their skin ona hypodermic needle, they feel exceptionally afraid. They are so scare that they get perspiration and breathe too quickly. In case of the worst they get faint too. This is a extreme example but everyone doesn't like injection. The pain of when the prick our skin that humankinds shares. Sonow one Japanese venture-company is working on a project to reduce pain of paracentesis. This company commondification to reduce pain of paracentesis. THis company commondification a needle of taking blood sample that reduce pain to the limit. And they reached to sale in Japan and America.
This new needle is not hypodermic needles. When patients such as diabetics are use measure blood suger level. Then prink patients' fingertrip on needle and pick samll amount of blood sample. Surprisingly, this take a blood sample is very painful. The diabetics are have to take a blood sample several time on a day and they have to prick their fingertip on needle every time. So new needle is redoce pain. This new needle was modeled on the mosquito. The mosquito is prick our skin on needle and get make a needle that same mechanism of mosquito.
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