
The story of Haunted Houses.(2014/04/14/Mon) No.1-3

  Next is chapter3, and titled "Grimly Grange." Mi impression sentence was
"I'll look so handsome on the TV screen."
THis story has three main character,Miss.Lacey and Sir. Sidney and Lord. Digby They are ghosts but they have been living this house. People scary about this house so nobody came to this house resentry. They are very boring, but one day the TV interviewers came to the house. Because they are wanted to report this house. The ghosts were very exciting. And they got dressed up each. Sirdney was use wearing special suit and Miss Lacey was use perfume and wearing beautiful wiggs and Lord Digby was polish his boots. But TV unterviewers didi not notice they even started report. So they walked here and there into the house, but this house's room is very dirty unfortunately. At finaly interviewers were find them but they are not best condition. So I feel soory for them but it is very cute that ghosts ws dress up.

168 words

grimy 気味悪い
grange 邸宅
whload おろす
snuff を吸う
stardom スターの地位
whisper ささやく
banister 手すり
burst 爆発する
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