
2014/11/13 Diary - Week 7

2014/11/13 Diary - Week 7

Event 1

      I went to Starbucks with my friend on yesterday, then I ate new flavor cake! That was a pound cake flavored Mocha coffee. It was very tasty, I liked it. Eating sweets is bad our teeth and unhealthy but I can't stop eat because I have a sweet tooth!

Event 2

      I watched a movie titled "Pride and Prejudice. " This story was written by British author Jane Austin. I watched this movie for the first time but it was so nice. The main character named Elizabeth is beautiful! I could learn about high-class people's life in 18th century, England. I want to read her another books.

Event 3

      I want to eat Mexican dish! I have been thinking this since last week. I love Mexican dishes, especially Taco! I have neve been to Mexico, so I want to go there some day. I'm hungry, but I'm getting fatter due to lack of exercise.

Event 4

      These days I have a lot of assignments, so I'm very busy. In addition, I have to go to driving school but I don't have enough time. I want to get driver's licence soon, then I can go anywhere! I want to buy a pink colored car.

Event 5

      I have a sad news! My friend who is an Englishman go back his home, Britain. He is my good friend and he stayed in Japan for five years. I'm crying, it's so heartbreaking! We can talk on SNS anytime but I will miss him. We have good-bye party next week. I'm going to give him some messa cards.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Ayaka -

    I like Mexican food, too! Tacos are tasty, but I really like enchiladas and quesadillas... they are soft and have a lot of cheese and vegetables :-)

    By the way, this week you should be doing diary 8, so you are a little behind. Your score for this diary homework is 6/10 minus 1 point for being late, so 5/10. Please do Diary 8 as soon as possible, ok?
