
About the UK

     Today I'm going to write about the UK! I have never been to the UK, but I really want to go there, because I love "Harry Potter." So there is a lot of sightseeing spots that used filming. And I want to go to Making of Harry Potter World in there. I have been believing that we can enter Hogwarts magic school when we became 11 years old, and I have been waiting for the letter of Hogwarts admission since when I was 11years old! But I couldn't get it.  And especially, I want to go to Hogsmeade. And I want to drink butter beer, and I want to buy my original wand. I think Harry Potter is the best movie and book in the world. I have been reading this book since when I was a child. So I grew up with Harry Potter's characters. Harry Potter series gave good impact to me. I could learn a lot of things from these books like about love or friendship. So UK is an ideal country for me. And these days, the Harry Potter new attraction was build in USJ! It is very exciting. Unfortunately, I have not gone there yet. But I want to go there in this summer vacation if I get a chance. In the future, if I have children, I want to take them to  Making of Harry Potter World of UK when they become 11 years old.

240 words / 10436 words

Check here the Making of Harry Potter official site

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